BEDSORE – hypnagogic hallucinations
20. Juli 2020/von Jochen![ICE-WAR-defender-destroyer](
ICE WAR – defender, destroyer
19. Juli 2020/von Jochen![MARTYR-fists-of-iron](
MARTYR – fists of iron (EP)
18. Juli 2020/von Jochen![WINO-forever-gone](
WINO – forever gone
17. Juli 2020/von Jochen![BLAZING-RUST-line-of-danger](
BLAZING RUST – line of danger
16. Juli 2020/von Jochen![FIDES-INVERSA-historia-nocturna](
FIDES INVERSA – historia nocturna
15. Juli 2020/von Jochen![JET-JAGUAR-endless-nights](
JET JAGUAR – endless nights
14. Juli 2020/von Jochen![EREMIT-desert-of-ghouls](
EREMIT – desert of ghouls (EP)
13. Juli 2020/von Jochen![CASKET-GRINDER-fall-into-dementia-](
CASKET GRINDER – fall into dementia
12. Juli 2020/von Jochen![EXISTENTIAL-EMPTINESS-nevereinding-pain-everlasting-sorrow-](
EXISTENTIAL EMPTINESS – nevereinding pain-everlasting sorrow
11. Juli 2020/von Jochen![VIOLENT-HAMMER-riders-of-the-wasteland](
VIOLENT HAMMER – riders of the wasteland
10. Juli 2020/von Jochen![FUNERAL-ORCHESTRA,-THE-negative-evocation-rites](